It has become evident to me that President Obama or any other Politicians really wants to stop the oil leak. Don’t tell me that we can send men into space, but we can not stop this oil spill. The President has visited the Gulf Spill on 4 separate occasions, and it is obvious that it is nothing more that a photo opportunity. I just thought that since he is such a lover of the environment, that he would have done more to stop mother earth from being destroyed.
I have never seen such a dog and pony show in my life. First of all Obama does not know a damm thing about running a business so why is he given BP advice on their business dealings. He has never even had a real job and he is advising a billion dollar company on what to do. Don’t get me wrong I know that BP is notorious for accidents and mishaps so I’m not letting them off the hook either.
Secondly I don’t trust this so-called pay czar Kenneth Feinberg, and what the hell is a pay czar. I guest that Obama is creating jobs by increasing the size of the government. But these are not jobs that add anything to our economy. I will be surprise if most people who lost money will ever see a dime of the 20 billion dollars that BP has set aside.
What if George Bush was the president now and this leak had been going on for 2 months? The media would have crucified him upside down for a lack of response. When hurricane Katrina shattered Louisiana the media and most every Liberal swore that the reason George Bush responded slowly was because in the words of Mr. K West “George Bush does not care for Black People”.
Could it be that Barack Obama does not care for White People? I believe that the oil spill will lead to another opportunity for this administration to accomplish another take over. They have taking over the Banks, and the Car Industries, now they will make sure that drilling is stopped in the US, and then they can began raising gas prices.
I just have one question to pose to the so called Environmental Gestapo’s. Does it make a difference if we drill on the earth in the USA or if we drill in Venezuela? The last time I checked Mr. Politician the earth was the earth. If they drill in China or Alaska it is still part of the earth. These morons really believe that they are protecting the earth if we don’t drill in the USA.
It is almost like these people are purposely trying to destroy there own country. They are openly advocating that we strengthen and build up other countries financial structure. Why should another country get financial gain because of Politics, Politics, and more Politics? If we let them take control of the oil industries we might not ever recover from this type of take over.
Let me say it again for the millionth time the government has never been affective in running any type of financial system. With Social Security they have failed miserable, with the Post office they get an F on their report card. The entire banking system which they have done yet another aggressive take over on, and it to was another train wreck. We have become a laughing stock of the world with how we kiss the behinds of Dictators, but insult our own citizens.
These dictators that we have in this country don’t give a damm about the country; they are more concern with lining their pockets. They have no regard for what is good for the American people just as long as they and their cronies are living like fat cats they are okay. If we really want to make the country better we will start by rewarding those who put in all the hard work like tax payers.
And we would stop catering to illegal aliens and welfare recipients who are nothing more than letches and parasites. Just because the illegal aliens give us cheap labor, and we can make the welfare recipients think everyone owes them something. We are not getting a good return on our money by investing in the stock of law breakers and lazy baby making machines.
It is time out for Political Correctness because what we need in our country now is Real Leadership. And if I can be honest I have not seen any leadership in quite a while. Because we have a bunch of politicians posturing for the cameras or saying what ever it takes to get re-elected. I’m not talking about the Democrats or Republicans; I’m speaking about both parties, because I have not seen any accountability on either side.
When George Bush was president he was spending like a drunken sailor, and the so-called conservative party did nothing to stop the inebriated politician. Now we have a narcissistic egomaniac in the Whitehouse who is just basically drunk with power. And who also has not seen a socialist program that he could refuse to spend money on.
This man is just merely in love with himself, and if I were Michelle Obama I would watch out because this man just might want to marry himself and divorce her. They have shoved Healthcare down our throats and next you can just open wide and take the pill of illegal aliens because it is coming. I can remember when the so-called conservative party of the Republicans said that they were not going to take this Healthcare Bill laying down.
They said that they would sue and clog of the court systems if the Democrats forced Healthcare on the American people. But the silence of the Republican Party has been deafening silence. Can we please get a leader who will lead us no matter what the polls say, because contrary to popular belief true leadership does the right thing regardless of what the polls say?
I believe that there is only one way that we are going to ever truly have representation out of our so-called leaders. We must go back to the children’s story of the 3 little pigs. We have built a house of straw, and a house of sticks. The Big Bad Wolf has asked us “little pig, little pig, let me come in”. Then we have replied come right in big bad wolf you don’t need to huff and puff and blow my house down. No I will just open my door wide and let you come in and help yourself.
Both parties have been spending our money for years and we keep on inviting them back in our homes. We should start from scratch and get rid of all senators, congressmen, and anyone else who as been in office more than 2 terms. This is the only way we are going to become a better country.
By:The Source
Rules for Relationships
We must just face the facts men and women are just different. There was a book that was titled Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. I like to say that women are like Alexander the Great and men are like snakes.
What I mean by that is women will try and conquer as much Real Estate as they can. Whether it be the closet or the bedroom, or just the way you dress.
When you get married you have a full side of the closet and she has a full side of the closet. But after a couple of months your side of the closet gets smaller and smaller. Before you know it you just have a small space in the closet if you are lucky.
Sometimes she moves a lot of your things to a hall closet or maybe even the garage. Then she spreads all of her stuff all over the room, and if you place one book or a sheet of paper on the dresser she reprimands you like a child.
If you tell her that she has things stretched all around the room she will remind you that she is using all of those things. And sometimes she will use her trump card and say I am using those things for the kids.
Your one item is making the room a messy. But she pays no attention to the complete chaos that she as going on in the room. She asks you questions like “are you going to wear that”.
Then you say what do you mean, is something wrong with my outfit. Then she gets all passive aggressive and says “I’m just saying I would not wear that if I were you”. But here is the kicker “but I’m not going to tell you what to wear”.
Well you just did in your own passive aggressive way. Just say she was wearing an outfit that you did not like, and you said “Why don’t you wear another outfit that I like better”.
She would respond with “I wish you would learn to be more supportive and more sensitive to me”. She goes on to say that “you should know that a woman does not want to hear those types of comments”.
What! Did you not just do the same thing to me? And before you know it you are apologizing for being insensitive, and when she insults you. You apologize for not listening to her opinions.
Before you know it about 10 years into the marriage your friends and family don’t even recognize you. If the truth be told you don’t even recognize yourself. She as become mama and you have become the kid.
Some men even refer to there wives as mama. They say things like I’m going to need to ask mama, or “if mama isn’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”.
She wants you to act like a man but she is treating you like a child. The men are more like snakes because sometimes they will just bite you because; well they are just being a snake. Men can be getting everything at home sometimes, and still they will just slither into someone else’s back yard.
A snake does not even need to be hungry in order to bite you. You can have a pet snake that you are treating well and the snake will still bite you. A snake does not care if is neighbor’s backyard looks better than his he just wants to get into his neighbors yard to be greedy.
Men will do everything in order to win a woman but are just too stupid to work to keep her. When she got a new outfit and you were dating you would let her know how much you liked that outfit.
Now she can go from a brunette to a redhead and you will not even notice the change. Snakes never stop to spell the flowers because; well they are just too busy being snakes.
They are not like regular pets. A cat will rub up against you to show there love, and a dog will wag there tails when you arrive home in order to let you know that they are happy to see you.
But not a snake even after you feed them they still don’t look content. They just look like they are waiting for the opportunity to sink there teeth into you.I would like to give couples the 101 in relationships.
Women give the man some space and a little respect. Let him make a decision with out you trying to manipulate his decisions. Just allow him to be a MAN and he will treat you more like a lady.
Men give your women lots of compliments because this is what a women desires. Drink water from your own cistern and not from another’s fountain and she will love and respect you more.
The Source
What I mean by that is women will try and conquer as much Real Estate as they can. Whether it be the closet or the bedroom, or just the way you dress.
When you get married you have a full side of the closet and she has a full side of the closet. But after a couple of months your side of the closet gets smaller and smaller. Before you know it you just have a small space in the closet if you are lucky.
Sometimes she moves a lot of your things to a hall closet or maybe even the garage. Then she spreads all of her stuff all over the room, and if you place one book or a sheet of paper on the dresser she reprimands you like a child.
If you tell her that she has things stretched all around the room she will remind you that she is using all of those things. And sometimes she will use her trump card and say I am using those things for the kids.
Your one item is making the room a messy. But she pays no attention to the complete chaos that she as going on in the room. She asks you questions like “are you going to wear that”.
Then you say what do you mean, is something wrong with my outfit. Then she gets all passive aggressive and says “I’m just saying I would not wear that if I were you”. But here is the kicker “but I’m not going to tell you what to wear”.
Well you just did in your own passive aggressive way. Just say she was wearing an outfit that you did not like, and you said “Why don’t you wear another outfit that I like better”.
She would respond with “I wish you would learn to be more supportive and more sensitive to me”. She goes on to say that “you should know that a woman does not want to hear those types of comments”.
What! Did you not just do the same thing to me? And before you know it you are apologizing for being insensitive, and when she insults you. You apologize for not listening to her opinions.
Before you know it about 10 years into the marriage your friends and family don’t even recognize you. If the truth be told you don’t even recognize yourself. She as become mama and you have become the kid.
Some men even refer to there wives as mama. They say things like I’m going to need to ask mama, or “if mama isn’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”.
She wants you to act like a man but she is treating you like a child. The men are more like snakes because sometimes they will just bite you because; well they are just being a snake. Men can be getting everything at home sometimes, and still they will just slither into someone else’s back yard.
A snake does not even need to be hungry in order to bite you. You can have a pet snake that you are treating well and the snake will still bite you. A snake does not care if is neighbor’s backyard looks better than his he just wants to get into his neighbors yard to be greedy.
Men will do everything in order to win a woman but are just too stupid to work to keep her. When she got a new outfit and you were dating you would let her know how much you liked that outfit.
Now she can go from a brunette to a redhead and you will not even notice the change. Snakes never stop to spell the flowers because; well they are just too busy being snakes.
They are not like regular pets. A cat will rub up against you to show there love, and a dog will wag there tails when you arrive home in order to let you know that they are happy to see you.
But not a snake even after you feed them they still don’t look content. They just look like they are waiting for the opportunity to sink there teeth into you.I would like to give couples the 101 in relationships.
Women give the man some space and a little respect. Let him make a decision with out you trying to manipulate his decisions. Just allow him to be a MAN and he will treat you more like a lady.
Men give your women lots of compliments because this is what a women desires. Drink water from your own cistern and not from another’s fountain and she will love and respect you more.
The Source
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Scapegoating of Michael Savage
We sholud all be outraged by this story.
July 15, 2010
The Scapegoating of Michael Savage
By Robin of Berkeley
Radio host Michael Savage was my first conservative friend -- although I've never met the man.
When I woke up from liberalism two and a half years ago, I had nowhere to turn. My friends thought I had lost my marbles.
Having vaguely heard something about talk radio, I scanned my AM dial. I happened upon a cantankerous man with a Bronx accent bellowing that liberalism is a mental disorder. To my relief, I had found my first living, breathing conservative.
Everything that came out of Savage's mouth offended me. He blared on about feminized men; borders, language and culture; and other alien concepts.
One minute, Savage would scat in exquisite word jazz; then he'd offer a recipe for his favorite spaghetti sauce. And when the topic turned to liberals, he'd erupt like Mt. Vesuvius.
To my tender, politically correct ears, Savage seemed like a mad man. But in time, I realized that he was crazy like a fox.
At first, I agreed with nothing Savage said -- except about Obama. There, he was spot on.
Savage was one of the first to peg Obama as a socialist. He dubbed Obama "The Little Professor," à la Pol Pot. Savage predicted, quite presciently, that Obama, like his Cambodian brethren, would turn on his own people.
After listening daily for a few months, something shocking happened. Savage started to make sense. I am reminded of that Mark Twain quip about his dad.
Twain wrote that when he was a teenager, his father didn't know what he was talking about. When Twain became a young adult, suddenly his old man made sense. Twain quipped that he couldn't believe how much his dad had learned in a few short years. Like Twain, I was finally growing up.
Savage taught me about the perils of communism. He also opened my eyes to the gifts of the United States. All this was new and different. Living in the left-wing Berkeley bubble for almost three decades, I breathed in Marxism as seamlessly as air.
I have an image of myself, frozen in time. I'm standing in my office a couple of years ago, stopped dead in my tracks, as Savage described the atrocities of the old Soviet Union. Quite honestly, I had no idea. Deprogramming from my leftist coma had begun.
So it was extremely alarming to hear last year that Savage was being targeted for a public shunning by the British. The Home Secretary at the time, Jacqui Smith, had placed Savage on a no-fly list along with hardcore criminals.
Kowtowing to political correctness, the Brits were using Savage as their sacrificial lamb, apparently to placate the Muslims. And the new British Conservative government plans to continue his scapegoating.
Savage has concluded that the Brits were not the masterminds. His show wasn't even carried by British radio. The plot to make him persona non grata clearly began closer to home.
If you've ever been scapegoated at work or at home, you know what it's like; it's psychologically eviscerating. Scapegoating is designed to wipe out another person's humanity.
It also sends out a stern warning to others. Should they not toe the party line, they'll be cast out as surely as were those sacrificial goats in Biblical times.
Scapegoating is so malevolent that M. Scott Peck made it the very definition of evil in his seminal book, People of the Lie. The evil person transfers his own sins onto another in order to maintain moral purity. "We become evil by attempting to hide from ourselves," says Peck.
Along with Savage, there have been many others subjected to the Left's witch hunts. Sweet little Carrie Prejean was robbed of her Miss California crown and publicly humiliated for supporting traditional marriage. Sarah Palin has been the object of endless taunts and vilification.
Average Americans attending tea parties are cavalierly smeared as "racists" and "Nazis." And it's not just the minions who are doing the tarnishing.
The Powers that Be are inciting the masses through their own hate speech. When the leaders use the full weight of the government to crack down on dissidents, we're no longer in the United States of old; we've been catapulted into a netherworld, presided over by men and women who long ago lost their souls.
Prophetically, Michael Savage knew this would happen. That's why he has raised his voice from the moment Obama entered the scene, imploring people to heed his warnings. His steady drumbeat has been, "You have no idea of the danger that you're in."
The scapegoating of Michael Savage should serve as a cautionary tale to liberals. It should be the proverbial slap in the face to those still punch-drunk on all that hope and change.
Today, it's conservatives. But tomorrow, it will be liberals. For instance, those lefties at Whole Foods discovered, to their utter shock, what it's like to incur the Left's wrath.
This is because the progressives are a bloodthirsty bunch with an insatiable appetite for power, just like their forefather, Pol Pot. Given enough time and opportunity, the Left has no qualms about eating its own.
A frequent contributor to American Thinker, Robin is a licensed psychotherapist and a recovering liberal in Berkeley. You can e-mail her at,
July 15, 2010
The Scapegoating of Michael Savage
By Robin of Berkeley
Radio host Michael Savage was my first conservative friend -- although I've never met the man.
When I woke up from liberalism two and a half years ago, I had nowhere to turn. My friends thought I had lost my marbles.
Having vaguely heard something about talk radio, I scanned my AM dial. I happened upon a cantankerous man with a Bronx accent bellowing that liberalism is a mental disorder. To my relief, I had found my first living, breathing conservative.
Everything that came out of Savage's mouth offended me. He blared on about feminized men; borders, language and culture; and other alien concepts.
One minute, Savage would scat in exquisite word jazz; then he'd offer a recipe for his favorite spaghetti sauce. And when the topic turned to liberals, he'd erupt like Mt. Vesuvius.
To my tender, politically correct ears, Savage seemed like a mad man. But in time, I realized that he was crazy like a fox.
At first, I agreed with nothing Savage said -- except about Obama. There, he was spot on.
Savage was one of the first to peg Obama as a socialist. He dubbed Obama "The Little Professor," à la Pol Pot. Savage predicted, quite presciently, that Obama, like his Cambodian brethren, would turn on his own people.
After listening daily for a few months, something shocking happened. Savage started to make sense. I am reminded of that Mark Twain quip about his dad.
Twain wrote that when he was a teenager, his father didn't know what he was talking about. When Twain became a young adult, suddenly his old man made sense. Twain quipped that he couldn't believe how much his dad had learned in a few short years. Like Twain, I was finally growing up.
Savage taught me about the perils of communism. He also opened my eyes to the gifts of the United States. All this was new and different. Living in the left-wing Berkeley bubble for almost three decades, I breathed in Marxism as seamlessly as air.
I have an image of myself, frozen in time. I'm standing in my office a couple of years ago, stopped dead in my tracks, as Savage described the atrocities of the old Soviet Union. Quite honestly, I had no idea. Deprogramming from my leftist coma had begun.
So it was extremely alarming to hear last year that Savage was being targeted for a public shunning by the British. The Home Secretary at the time, Jacqui Smith, had placed Savage on a no-fly list along with hardcore criminals.
Kowtowing to political correctness, the Brits were using Savage as their sacrificial lamb, apparently to placate the Muslims. And the new British Conservative government plans to continue his scapegoating.
Savage has concluded that the Brits were not the masterminds. His show wasn't even carried by British radio. The plot to make him persona non grata clearly began closer to home.
If you've ever been scapegoated at work or at home, you know what it's like; it's psychologically eviscerating. Scapegoating is designed to wipe out another person's humanity.
It also sends out a stern warning to others. Should they not toe the party line, they'll be cast out as surely as were those sacrificial goats in Biblical times.
Scapegoating is so malevolent that M. Scott Peck made it the very definition of evil in his seminal book, People of the Lie. The evil person transfers his own sins onto another in order to maintain moral purity. "We become evil by attempting to hide from ourselves," says Peck.
Along with Savage, there have been many others subjected to the Left's witch hunts. Sweet little Carrie Prejean was robbed of her Miss California crown and publicly humiliated for supporting traditional marriage. Sarah Palin has been the object of endless taunts and vilification.
Average Americans attending tea parties are cavalierly smeared as "racists" and "Nazis." And it's not just the minions who are doing the tarnishing.
The Powers that Be are inciting the masses through their own hate speech. When the leaders use the full weight of the government to crack down on dissidents, we're no longer in the United States of old; we've been catapulted into a netherworld, presided over by men and women who long ago lost their souls.
Prophetically, Michael Savage knew this would happen. That's why he has raised his voice from the moment Obama entered the scene, imploring people to heed his warnings. His steady drumbeat has been, "You have no idea of the danger that you're in."
The scapegoating of Michael Savage should serve as a cautionary tale to liberals. It should be the proverbial slap in the face to those still punch-drunk on all that hope and change.
Today, it's conservatives. But tomorrow, it will be liberals. For instance, those lefties at Whole Foods discovered, to their utter shock, what it's like to incur the Left's wrath.
This is because the progressives are a bloodthirsty bunch with an insatiable appetite for power, just like their forefather, Pol Pot. Given enough time and opportunity, the Left has no qualms about eating its own.
A frequent contributor to American Thinker, Robin is a licensed psychotherapist and a recovering liberal in Berkeley. You can e-mail her at,
Alice In Wonderland
Some time I feel like I am Alice in Wonderland. No one wants you to be honest anymore, they ask you to just tell me the truth and you say yes that dress makes you look fat. Then they are mad because you spoke the truth. If they ask you should I date her or him you say No and then they tell you that you just need to take the time to get to know the person better. Then you say she had a baby with her boyfriend’s brother or he lives with his mother and he is 40 years old with 3 baby mamas. Then they say you are just being to judgmental why don’t you give them a chance. No give me a freaking
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Lebron Jamas Saga
I have said this from the very beginning that Lebron James looks desperate trying to pair himself with other stars. I don’t believe that there is anything wrong with doing whatever it takes to better your plight in life. Most people are going to do what is best for them, and take the easiest road to get there. I believe that Miami will when a championship or two over the next 3 or 4 years.
This just reconfirms the greatness of Michael Jordon to me. I know if Lebron goes on to win about 4 championships most people will forget all about this little episode. But what will resonate with me until the day they put me in the ground is that even though I believe that he has carried himself great and he has looked very poised thru the entire situation. He has just looked like a little boy who needed some help because he could not get it done in Cleveland.
Having said all of that, I believe that the Cleveland Cavalier’s Owner is making himself look like a little rich kid throwing a temper tantrum. If you had something bad to say about Lebron James you should have said it before now. While I do believe the self proclaimed KING quit in the playoffs this year. If I where going to bad mouth him I would have went to him face to face. After one of his lack luster performances he could have said “son or you quitting on me”.
But don’t wait until your cash cow is leaving and then come out talking like Dirty Harry. No the real reason that Mr. Dan Gilbert is so upset is simple 101 math Lebron + Cleveland = money. Yes your cash cow and respectability in the league is gone. Did you here this clown make the statement and declare that Cleveland would when a Championship before Lebron would.
Son, put the pipe down you have nothing in Cleveland to win with. Cleveland has been taking but whippings since MJ was punking Greg Eloe back in the day. I just love win the owners start talking trash to players. You are not on the court so your trash talking may not resonate with your players. If anything you are making it were no other Superstar will ever want to play in Cleveland. They will say if he will talk about the KING like this, what will he say about me if I choose to leave.
Press rewind and let me tell you what the owner should have said when Lebron announced that he was leaving. “I am sorry to here that He is leaving I was hoping that we could win a Championship together. But Lebron has done what was best for him and his family, and now the Cleveland Cavaliers will need to move on”.
But you know why he could not do this and it is very simple. He nor the Cavalier;s organization did everything in their power to get Lebron enough help. So this is what people who are inadequate do when they have failed. They blame others and act as if we are in China or some other dictatorship country.
This is America you clown and if the man wants to leave, he as every right to leave. And the fans also showed how classy that they where by burning his jersey. From the Dog Pound for the Browns to this bunch of bottle sucking crybabies, no one tells you Cleveland Clowns were you can and can not work. So what in the hell makes you think that you can tell LB were he can or can not be employed.
This is just sports you bunch of morons get over yourselves. It could be worst you could have a kid dieing from cancer. Your entire family could have been killed by a bunch of losers like yourselves leaving a bar. Some Carjacker could have killed your wife or husband because he wanted their vehicle. Dam I have never seen so many morons in my entire life.
The Source
This just reconfirms the greatness of Michael Jordon to me. I know if Lebron goes on to win about 4 championships most people will forget all about this little episode. But what will resonate with me until the day they put me in the ground is that even though I believe that he has carried himself great and he has looked very poised thru the entire situation. He has just looked like a little boy who needed some help because he could not get it done in Cleveland.
Having said all of that, I believe that the Cleveland Cavalier’s Owner is making himself look like a little rich kid throwing a temper tantrum. If you had something bad to say about Lebron James you should have said it before now. While I do believe the self proclaimed KING quit in the playoffs this year. If I where going to bad mouth him I would have went to him face to face. After one of his lack luster performances he could have said “son or you quitting on me”.
But don’t wait until your cash cow is leaving and then come out talking like Dirty Harry. No the real reason that Mr. Dan Gilbert is so upset is simple 101 math Lebron + Cleveland = money. Yes your cash cow and respectability in the league is gone. Did you here this clown make the statement and declare that Cleveland would when a Championship before Lebron would.
Son, put the pipe down you have nothing in Cleveland to win with. Cleveland has been taking but whippings since MJ was punking Greg Eloe back in the day. I just love win the owners start talking trash to players. You are not on the court so your trash talking may not resonate with your players. If anything you are making it were no other Superstar will ever want to play in Cleveland. They will say if he will talk about the KING like this, what will he say about me if I choose to leave.
Press rewind and let me tell you what the owner should have said when Lebron announced that he was leaving. “I am sorry to here that He is leaving I was hoping that we could win a Championship together. But Lebron has done what was best for him and his family, and now the Cleveland Cavaliers will need to move on”.
But you know why he could not do this and it is very simple. He nor the Cavalier;s organization did everything in their power to get Lebron enough help. So this is what people who are inadequate do when they have failed. They blame others and act as if we are in China or some other dictatorship country.
This is America you clown and if the man wants to leave, he as every right to leave. And the fans also showed how classy that they where by burning his jersey. From the Dog Pound for the Browns to this bunch of bottle sucking crybabies, no one tells you Cleveland Clowns were you can and can not work. So what in the hell makes you think that you can tell LB were he can or can not be employed.
This is just sports you bunch of morons get over yourselves. It could be worst you could have a kid dieing from cancer. Your entire family could have been killed by a bunch of losers like yourselves leaving a bar. Some Carjacker could have killed your wife or husband because he wanted their vehicle. Dam I have never seen so many morons in my entire life.
The Source
Control in a Relationship
Can there ever really be happiness in a relationship when one party dominates and dictates most of the family’s affairs. Personally I don’t believe that both parties will be truly happy. The aggressor will make it seem like they have the family’s best interest at hand. Then the pacifist will play the victim roll most of the relationship. If the man is the dominate force he will make the women fill as if she is incapable of taking care of any type of business dealings. He really has low self esteem and probably was pushed around in school by a bully. The problem could also be that he is not as smart as his other siblings and makes up for it with a controlling attitude. He micro manages everything because he does not truly have control anywhere but home. He probably did not get enough hugs from mommy so he wants to make sure that no women will ever dominate him again. On the other hand if the women is the dominate force in the relationship she will talk down to the man when ever she speaks to him. When ever he has an opinion she says things like that is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard. Even when he has a brilliant idea she belittles his ideas because she did not come up with it first. If he tells her about something he heard on the news she says things like “you can’t believe everything that you hear” or “when are you going to start thinking for yourself”. Her problem is that she was one of the last girls who were invited to the Prom or someone stood her up for the Prom. It also could be that daddy did not show her enough love so she really hates men. She blames all her short comings on the man that she is with or the men that she has been with.
If he is going to be cured of his low self esteem and controlling attitude the first thing he needs do is to get over the past. It is water under the bridge so just turn the page for the love of God. Move on and just face your demons, stick a fork in the situation. That was yesterday today is a new day. If the passive woman thinks that he will just change on is on, you are dreaming honey wake up and smell the coffee. There is always that possibility that he will change on his on, but the possibility is slim to none. You will need to stand up to the bully that has controlled you for years. Just say to the bully hell no I’m not going to take it any more. Say to him we are partners in this relationship and this is democracy not a dictatorship. I refuse to give you your way anymore so we are going to discuss all of our decision making in the future. Now both parties have some weak and some strong points. This is why both parties’ strengths should be used through out the duration of the relationship. Men if the women tries to belittle you or talk down to you should say to her, that you are never going to get your way just as long as you act like a spoil 7th grader. If she tries to withhold sex from you just pretend to be an oak, and act as if you are not moved. Say to her I am like a tree plated by the water and I should not be moved. Tell her when she starts to act like she is an adult we can restart the relationship.
The Source
If he is going to be cured of his low self esteem and controlling attitude the first thing he needs do is to get over the past. It is water under the bridge so just turn the page for the love of God. Move on and just face your demons, stick a fork in the situation. That was yesterday today is a new day. If the passive woman thinks that he will just change on is on, you are dreaming honey wake up and smell the coffee. There is always that possibility that he will change on his on, but the possibility is slim to none. You will need to stand up to the bully that has controlled you for years. Just say to the bully hell no I’m not going to take it any more. Say to him we are partners in this relationship and this is democracy not a dictatorship. I refuse to give you your way anymore so we are going to discuss all of our decision making in the future. Now both parties have some weak and some strong points. This is why both parties’ strengths should be used through out the duration of the relationship. Men if the women tries to belittle you or talk down to you should say to her, that you are never going to get your way just as long as you act like a spoil 7th grader. If she tries to withhold sex from you just pretend to be an oak, and act as if you are not moved. Say to her I am like a tree plated by the water and I should not be moved. Tell her when she starts to act like she is an adult we can restart the relationship.
The Source
The Arizona Law Madness
This is an issue that quite frankly is somewhat mind boggling to me. We have people upset with Arizona and for what, wanting to uphold the law. This just proves to me just how completely insane that we have become in this country. We are upset because Jan Brewer the Arizona Governor wants to encourage her state to enforce the law.
Think about that people they are upset because they are enforcing the DAMM law. Have we lost our freaking mind in this crazy political correct country? I personally can not rap my mind around this insanity. They are upset with Jan Brewer and Arizona because they want to insist on enforcing the law. They are not upset with the lawbreakers they are upset with the law enforcers
I’m sorry to keep repeating the same thing over and over again, but they are upset because the state does not want to take care of Mexico’s illegal’s. Please let’s just stop with the complete nonsense about stopping other illegal aliens from other countries. Can we just PLEASE be intellectually honest for once in this mixed up country of ours.
The truth is that it is Mexico that is insisting that we take care of their freaking citizens. It’s not Russia, Africa, or Scotland it is Mexico that is insisting that we allow their invasion on the U.S.A. Why in the hell should the American people pay the medical bills if someone comes over here ILLEGALLY and drops off their damm baby?
We did not have any pleasure when they were conceiving the child so why should we pay for their pleasure. I don’t give a rat’s behind how much people say that they are just hard working people who love their family. Hell I’m hard working and I love my family also, and I can not get and relief from my property taxes for GODSAKE.
Why are we acting as if this is some type of special skills that they possess because they have laid on their backs and gotten pregnant? Hell any dog can lay up and become pregnant. Do we give the dogs Healthcare, a free education, and a Lonestar Card also?
I don’t give a DAMM if you’re from The Netherlands, China, or Zimbabwe. If you are pulled over for a traffic violation for expired tags and a police officer ask you for your Drivers Licenses. If your response is I don’t have a driver’s license or valid ID, and you don’t speak ENGLISH. What do you bunch of idiots suppose the officer should do? Offer the violator free tickets to see the Arizona Cardinals Football game.
I can remember on one occasions about 20 years ago, a police officer pull me over for speeding. I forgot my driver’s license at home and do you know what the officer did to me. He had me take the Green Mile Walk back to the police car and take a seat in the back seat of the squad car until he could make sure that I was who I said I was.
I did not go with the race card and say that the officer was placing me in the back seat because I was black. Don’t get me wrong I have been racially profile before simply because I am black. But on this occasion I understood that the burden of proof was on me for not having the proper ID. If I had showed the officer my ID and he gave me the Green Mile Walk anyway, then that would be a horse of a different color.
What I am sick of is the Latino and Black communities playing the race card even when it is not really an issue. Please make no mistake about it I HATE all racist equally, and it just shows complete ignorance for any race to hate another race based strictly on their skin color. I don’t care if your examining The Black Panthers, The KKK, a Latino Organizations who Hate’s other races, or Asians who set up there Flea Markets in predominantly black neighborhoods and profile you if you go in their stores.
Are we going to have some police officers who are racist and enjoy pulling over people based strictly on their race? Hell yes! But does this mean that we should stop enforcing the law because some people will be offended. Either you are just plain stupid or your brain has been fried from all the drugs that you have done in the past.
This is the problem with our war on terrorism and the reason we are not going to win if we continue down this road. I just think it is just as stupid if we are really trying to prevent a terrorist attack. But at the airport we search a 70 year old woman just as fast as we search Mohammad Aquabar. If we had a history of 70 year old white women who were blowing themselves and others up. I could understand you profiling more 70 year old white women.
If white men between the ages of 35 and 65 are convicted of molesting children at a much higher rate then and other race then I can understand you profiling white men between the ages of 35 and 65. If black men between the ages of 14 and 25 are robbing convenience stores I can understand you profile black men between the ages of 14 and 25. So dam it if you are stopped for a traffic violation or if you are questioned and you can not speak ENGLISH.
I don’t give a damm how mad LuLac or La Raza gets tell the Mexican invaders to go back home. What really cooks my goose is that the Mexican President Felipe Calderon comes over to our country and condemns the Arizona Law. Look how ridicules this sounds he is upset because his own citizens are willing to break the law in order to get away from his country.
I’m sorry I don’t know of any country that I would be willing to enter illegally and do any thing necessary to stay there. If Felipe Calderon is so concerned about HIS citizens being mistreated why doe he not tell them all to come on back home. Because if the Mexico is so damm great take your asses back to Mexico and stop trying to force us to take care of you and your damm kids.
Look how bold they have become they break the law and then they march in the street with their Mexican flags demanding rights. Again I repeat if Mexico is so damm great go back to Mexico and carry your flag proudly there. Calderon wants the American people to support his kids so to speak.
How would it look for the man or lady down the street to knock on my door every month and ask me to give them a check to help support their kids? After I explain to them how they are out of their explicit mind for coming to my door with such an outrages request. I would ask them if I could get the Social Security number for their 4 kids so that I could use them when I file my taxes at the end of the year.
That’s my new program it’s called “The Adopt an Illegal Alien Initiative”, and it is geared toward using the illegal’s in order to get a larger tax return at the end of the year. Hell the government does it every year when people who have had multiple kids and they have not worked full time or they only have made a minimum amount of money. They will get as much as $7000.00 on their tax return for lying on their backs and screwing someone.
This as become the new virtue in America if you have kids and lots of them, and you make sure that you can not support them then “Big Daddy Government” will give you some crumbs to help support little Carlos, Maria, Sheneneh, Jerome, Bill Joe Wayne, or Bobby Sue Oliver.
What ever happen to if you have a kid you support your own DAMM kids. We can not as a country continue to support illegal alien’s period end of the discussion. I know that almost all of the REAL MEN have been lost in our country, and most of the ones that are left refuse to say anything. They don’t want to come off has been uneven tempered.
Where were the real men when that piece of garbage from Mexico came to our house (America) and criticized our country on the Senate floor? There are only two things that should have happen to this bum Calderon. Number one of the Senators should have asked for security to escort the bum back to the airport and have his Visa revolted. Or the second idea which is my favorite and the thing that I had wished would have happen. And that is just as soon as he began talking someone should have invited him outside and beat the hell out of him.
How’s that for the good old PC crowd. Because if a man comes to my house and starts disrespecting my home and family by throwing out insults to me and mind. He will get his hat handed to him with out question that’s my motto kick ass and ask questions later. You can go to hell with your political correctness, because personally I’m sick of it.
Have a nice life America and just tell that clown Barack Hussein Obama that his immigration reform is a bad idea. Just like that other little inarticulate clown George W. Bush tried to do. He tried to shovel immigration down our throats also and all it did was ostracize his base. Why can’t we get these pathetic politicians to just do what the American people put them in office to do? Just do your damm jobs Mr. Politicians.
The Source
Think about that people they are upset because they are enforcing the DAMM law. Have we lost our freaking mind in this crazy political correct country? I personally can not rap my mind around this insanity. They are upset with Jan Brewer and Arizona because they want to insist on enforcing the law. They are not upset with the lawbreakers they are upset with the law enforcers
I’m sorry to keep repeating the same thing over and over again, but they are upset because the state does not want to take care of Mexico’s illegal’s. Please let’s just stop with the complete nonsense about stopping other illegal aliens from other countries. Can we just PLEASE be intellectually honest for once in this mixed up country of ours.
The truth is that it is Mexico that is insisting that we take care of their freaking citizens. It’s not Russia, Africa, or Scotland it is Mexico that is insisting that we allow their invasion on the U.S.A. Why in the hell should the American people pay the medical bills if someone comes over here ILLEGALLY and drops off their damm baby?
We did not have any pleasure when they were conceiving the child so why should we pay for their pleasure. I don’t give a rat’s behind how much people say that they are just hard working people who love their family. Hell I’m hard working and I love my family also, and I can not get and relief from my property taxes for GODSAKE.
Why are we acting as if this is some type of special skills that they possess because they have laid on their backs and gotten pregnant? Hell any dog can lay up and become pregnant. Do we give the dogs Healthcare, a free education, and a Lonestar Card also?
I don’t give a DAMM if you’re from The Netherlands, China, or Zimbabwe. If you are pulled over for a traffic violation for expired tags and a police officer ask you for your Drivers Licenses. If your response is I don’t have a driver’s license or valid ID, and you don’t speak ENGLISH. What do you bunch of idiots suppose the officer should do? Offer the violator free tickets to see the Arizona Cardinals Football game.
I can remember on one occasions about 20 years ago, a police officer pull me over for speeding. I forgot my driver’s license at home and do you know what the officer did to me. He had me take the Green Mile Walk back to the police car and take a seat in the back seat of the squad car until he could make sure that I was who I said I was.
I did not go with the race card and say that the officer was placing me in the back seat because I was black. Don’t get me wrong I have been racially profile before simply because I am black. But on this occasion I understood that the burden of proof was on me for not having the proper ID. If I had showed the officer my ID and he gave me the Green Mile Walk anyway, then that would be a horse of a different color.
What I am sick of is the Latino and Black communities playing the race card even when it is not really an issue. Please make no mistake about it I HATE all racist equally, and it just shows complete ignorance for any race to hate another race based strictly on their skin color. I don’t care if your examining The Black Panthers, The KKK, a Latino Organizations who Hate’s other races, or Asians who set up there Flea Markets in predominantly black neighborhoods and profile you if you go in their stores.
Are we going to have some police officers who are racist and enjoy pulling over people based strictly on their race? Hell yes! But does this mean that we should stop enforcing the law because some people will be offended. Either you are just plain stupid or your brain has been fried from all the drugs that you have done in the past.
This is the problem with our war on terrorism and the reason we are not going to win if we continue down this road. I just think it is just as stupid if we are really trying to prevent a terrorist attack. But at the airport we search a 70 year old woman just as fast as we search Mohammad Aquabar. If we had a history of 70 year old white women who were blowing themselves and others up. I could understand you profiling more 70 year old white women.
If white men between the ages of 35 and 65 are convicted of molesting children at a much higher rate then and other race then I can understand you profiling white men between the ages of 35 and 65. If black men between the ages of 14 and 25 are robbing convenience stores I can understand you profile black men between the ages of 14 and 25. So dam it if you are stopped for a traffic violation or if you are questioned and you can not speak ENGLISH.
I don’t give a damm how mad LuLac or La Raza gets tell the Mexican invaders to go back home. What really cooks my goose is that the Mexican President Felipe Calderon comes over to our country and condemns the Arizona Law. Look how ridicules this sounds he is upset because his own citizens are willing to break the law in order to get away from his country.
I’m sorry I don’t know of any country that I would be willing to enter illegally and do any thing necessary to stay there. If Felipe Calderon is so concerned about HIS citizens being mistreated why doe he not tell them all to come on back home. Because if the Mexico is so damm great take your asses back to Mexico and stop trying to force us to take care of you and your damm kids.
Look how bold they have become they break the law and then they march in the street with their Mexican flags demanding rights. Again I repeat if Mexico is so damm great go back to Mexico and carry your flag proudly there. Calderon wants the American people to support his kids so to speak.
How would it look for the man or lady down the street to knock on my door every month and ask me to give them a check to help support their kids? After I explain to them how they are out of their explicit mind for coming to my door with such an outrages request. I would ask them if I could get the Social Security number for their 4 kids so that I could use them when I file my taxes at the end of the year.
That’s my new program it’s called “The Adopt an Illegal Alien Initiative”, and it is geared toward using the illegal’s in order to get a larger tax return at the end of the year. Hell the government does it every year when people who have had multiple kids and they have not worked full time or they only have made a minimum amount of money. They will get as much as $7000.00 on their tax return for lying on their backs and screwing someone.
This as become the new virtue in America if you have kids and lots of them, and you make sure that you can not support them then “Big Daddy Government” will give you some crumbs to help support little Carlos, Maria, Sheneneh, Jerome, Bill Joe Wayne, or Bobby Sue Oliver.
What ever happen to if you have a kid you support your own DAMM kids. We can not as a country continue to support illegal alien’s period end of the discussion. I know that almost all of the REAL MEN have been lost in our country, and most of the ones that are left refuse to say anything. They don’t want to come off has been uneven tempered.
Where were the real men when that piece of garbage from Mexico came to our house (America) and criticized our country on the Senate floor? There are only two things that should have happen to this bum Calderon. Number one of the Senators should have asked for security to escort the bum back to the airport and have his Visa revolted. Or the second idea which is my favorite and the thing that I had wished would have happen. And that is just as soon as he began talking someone should have invited him outside and beat the hell out of him.
How’s that for the good old PC crowd. Because if a man comes to my house and starts disrespecting my home and family by throwing out insults to me and mind. He will get his hat handed to him with out question that’s my motto kick ass and ask questions later. You can go to hell with your political correctness, because personally I’m sick of it.
Have a nice life America and just tell that clown Barack Hussein Obama that his immigration reform is a bad idea. Just like that other little inarticulate clown George W. Bush tried to do. He tried to shovel immigration down our throats also and all it did was ostracize his base. Why can’t we get these pathetic politicians to just do what the American people put them in office to do? Just do your damm jobs Mr. Politicians.
The Source
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