Rules for Relationships

We must just face the facts men and women are just different. There was a book that was titled Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. I like to say that women are like Alexander the Great and men are like snakes.

What I mean by that is women will try and conquer as much Real Estate as they can. Whether it be the closet or the bedroom, or just the way you dress.

When you get married you have a full side of the closet and she has a full side of the closet. But after a couple of months your side of the closet gets smaller and smaller. Before you know it you just have a small space in the closet if you are lucky.

Sometimes she moves a lot of your things to a hall closet or maybe even the garage. Then she spreads all of her stuff all over the room, and if you place one book or a sheet of paper on the dresser she reprimands you like a child.

If you tell her that she has things stretched all around the room she will remind you that she is using all of those things. And sometimes she will use her trump card and say I am using those things for the kids.

Your one item is making the room a messy. But she pays no attention to the complete chaos that she as going on in the room. She asks you questions like “are you going to wear that”.

Then you say what do you mean, is something wrong with my outfit. Then she gets all passive aggressive and says “I’m just saying I would not wear that if I were you”. But here is the kicker “but I’m not going to tell you what to wear”.

Well you just did in your own passive aggressive way. Just say she was wearing an outfit that you did not like, and you said “Why don’t you wear another outfit that I like better”.

She would respond with “I wish you would learn to be more supportive and more sensitive to me”. She goes on to say that “you should know that a woman does not want to hear those types of comments”.

What! Did you not just do the same thing to me? And before you know it you are apologizing for being insensitive, and when she insults you. You apologize for not listening to her opinions.

Before you know it about 10 years into the marriage your friends and family don’t even recognize you. If the truth be told you don’t even recognize yourself. She as become mama and you have become the kid.

Some men even refer to there wives as mama. They say things like I’m going to need to ask mama, or “if mama isn’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”.

She wants you to act like a man but she is treating you like a child. The men are more like snakes because sometimes they will just bite you because; well they are just being a snake. Men can be getting everything at home sometimes, and still they will just slither into someone else’s back yard.

A snake does not even need to be hungry in order to bite you. You can have a pet snake that you are treating well and the snake will still bite you. A snake does not care if is neighbor’s backyard looks better than his he just wants to get into his neighbors yard to be greedy.

Men will do everything in order to win a woman but are just too stupid to work to keep her. When she got a new outfit and you were dating you would let her know how much you liked that outfit.

Now she can go from a brunette to a redhead and you will not even notice the change. Snakes never stop to spell the flowers because; well they are just too busy being snakes.

They are not like regular pets. A cat will rub up against you to show there love, and a dog will wag there tails when you arrive home in order to let you know that they are happy to see you.

But not a snake even after you feed them they still don’t look content. They just look like they are waiting for the opportunity to sink there teeth into you.I would like to give couples the 101 in relationships.

Women give the man some space and a little respect. Let him make a decision with out you trying to manipulate his decisions. Just allow him to be a MAN and he will treat you more like a lady.

Men give your women lots of compliments because this is what a women desires. Drink water from your own cistern and not from another’s fountain and she will love and respect you more.

The Source

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Oil Spill Is All About the Money

It has become evident to me that President Obama or any other Politicians really wants to stop the oil leak. Don’t tell me that we can send men into space, but we can not stop this oil spill. The President has visited the Gulf Spill on 4 separate occasions, and it is obvious that it is nothing more that a photo opportunity. I just thought that since he is such a lover of the environment, that he would have done more to stop mother earth from being destroyed.
I have never seen such a dog and pony show in my life. First of all Obama does not know a damm thing about running a business so why is he given BP advice on their business dealings. He has never even had a real job and he is advising a billion dollar company on what to do. Don’t get me wrong I know that BP is notorious for accidents and mishaps so I’m not letting them off the hook either.
Secondly I don’t trust this so-called pay czar Kenneth Feinberg, and what the hell is a pay czar. I guest that Obama is creating jobs by increasing the size of the government. But these are not jobs that add anything to our economy. I will be surprise if most people who lost money will ever see a dime of the 20 billion dollars that BP has set aside.
What if George Bush was the president now and this leak had been going on for 2 months? The media would have crucified him upside down for a lack of response. When hurricane Katrina shattered Louisiana the media and most every Liberal swore that the reason George Bush responded slowly was because in the words of Mr. K West “George Bush does not care for Black People”.
Could it be that Barack Obama does not care for White People? I believe that the oil spill will lead to another opportunity for this administration to accomplish another take over. They have taking over the Banks, and the Car Industries, now they will make sure that drilling is stopped in the US, and then they can began raising gas prices.
I just have one question to pose to the so called Environmental Gestapo’s. Does it make a difference if we drill on the earth in the USA or if we drill in Venezuela? The last time I checked Mr. Politician the earth was the earth. If they drill in China or Alaska it is still part of the earth. These morons really believe that they are protecting the earth if we don’t drill in the USA.
It is almost like these people are purposely trying to destroy there own country. They are openly advocating that we strengthen and build up other countries financial structure. Why should another country get financial gain because of Politics, Politics, and more Politics? If we let them take control of the oil industries we might not ever recover from this type of take over.
Let me say it again for the millionth time the government has never been affective in running any type of financial system. With Social Security they have failed miserable, with the Post office they get an F on their report card. The entire banking system which they have done yet another aggressive take over on, and it to was another train wreck. We have become a laughing stock of the world with how we kiss the behinds of Dictators, but insult our own citizens.
These dictators that we have in this country don’t give a damm about the country; they are more concern with lining their pockets. They have no regard for what is good for the American people just as long as they and their cronies are living like fat cats they are okay. If we really want to make the country better we will start by rewarding those who put in all the hard work like tax payers.
And we would stop catering to illegal aliens and welfare recipients who are nothing more than letches and parasites. Just because the illegal aliens give us cheap labor, and we can make the welfare recipients think everyone owes them something. We are not getting a good return on our money by investing in the stock of law breakers and lazy baby making machines.
It is time out for Political Correctness because what we need in our country now is Real Leadership. And if I can be honest I have not seen any leadership in quite a while. Because we have a bunch of politicians posturing for the cameras or saying what ever it takes to get re-elected. I’m not talking about the Democrats or Republicans; I’m speaking about both parties, because I have not seen any accountability on either side.
When George Bush was president he was spending like a drunken sailor, and the so-called conservative party did nothing to stop the inebriated politician. Now we have a narcissistic egomaniac in the Whitehouse who is just basically drunk with power. And who also has not seen a socialist program that he could refuse to spend money on.
This man is just merely in love with himself, and if I were Michelle Obama I would watch out because this man just might want to marry himself and divorce her. They have shoved Healthcare down our throats and next you can just open wide and take the pill of illegal aliens because it is coming. I can remember when the so-called conservative party of the Republicans said that they were not going to take this Healthcare Bill laying down.
They said that they would sue and clog of the court systems if the Democrats forced Healthcare on the American people. But the silence of the Republican Party has been deafening silence. Can we please get a leader who will lead us no matter what the polls say, because contrary to popular belief true leadership does the right thing regardless of what the polls say?
I believe that there is only one way that we are going to ever truly have representation out of our so-called leaders. We must go back to the children’s story of the 3 little pigs. We have built a house of straw, and a house of sticks. The Big Bad Wolf has asked us “little pig, little pig, let me come in”. Then we have replied come right in big bad wolf you don’t need to huff and puff and blow my house down. No I will just open my door wide and let you come in and help yourself.
Both parties have been spending our money for years and we keep on inviting them back in our homes. We should start from scratch and get rid of all senators, congressmen, and anyone else who as been in office more than 2 terms. This is the only way we are going to become a better country.
By:The Source

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